
salvini house decree

Salvini’s New Decree: A Game-Changer for Legalizing Italian Properties?

Got an Unauthorized Beachfront Villa in Italy? Salvini’s New Decree Might Save Your Investment If you’ve built a beachfront villa in Italy without the proper permits, don’t sweat it—Salvini’s new “home-saving” decree might have you covered. Recently, there’s been a lot of buzz around changes to Italy’s building regulations, with some people thinking that you […]

Salvini’s New Decree: A Game-Changer for Legalizing Italian Properties? Read More »

crisis in the italian real estate market

The Shocking Truth About the 2023 Real Estate Market (-10%)

Italian Real Estate Market Overview Inflation, interest rates, and decreased purchasing power are terms we’ve become familiar with over the past few years. But how is this affecting the real estate market in Italy? Is it still worth buying property or investing in real estate? Real Estate Transactions The number of real estate transactions is

La scioccante verità sul mercato immobiliare del 2023 (-10%) Continua "

viale_monte_napoleone_8 1,3 miliardi di euro

1.3 Billions, the biggest real estate investment in Italy (and largest tax saving)

Come si può acquistare un immobile in Italia risparmiando tonnellate di denaro in tasse? Lo scoprirete attraverso la storia dell'investimento immobiliare più costoso della storia italiana. Kering, gruppo noto per marchi di lusso come Gucci, spenderà 1,3 miliardi di euro per acquistare l'edificio di via Montenapoleone.

1,3 miliardi, il più grande investimento immobiliare in Italia (e il più grande risparmio fiscale) Read More "

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